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As one of the cleanest power sources known to man, aside from solar, the production of electricity through the use of wind turbines is a great addition to and alternative to conventional methods. However, what is the ultimate cost of this production method? Using the simple rules for cause and effect, or for every action there will be an equal but opposite reaction, what are the effects or reactions that will be seen from the use of wind turbines? I am completely for the use of sustainable energy resources, but, at what price should these wind turbines be affordable? I've explored both the pros and cons relating to this issue, but would like to invite anyone else to provide their input - to hopefully bring to light all the information and concerns pertaining to this subject, and in particular, those relating to the "Stone Church" wind project. The "Stone Church" wind project is that which is concentrated on the areas between approximately Hammond, NY and Ogdensburg, NY.


  1. Kenneth Moore on February 2, 2009 at 10:07 AM said:
    If anyone would like to review the fantastic information that the Concerned Residents of Hammond have posted on their site, it can be found at Simply click on the link above. They not only provide illustrations of the proposed project, but also links to invaluable informational resources on the subject of wind turbines. Hopefully through the promotion of knowledge on the subject, decisions can be made for the benefit of everyone and everything involved.
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